Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cooperstown Gay Cruising

last meeting

The study group on literature and technology, bodies, machines, tools, men
is pleased to invite you

MONDAY ì June 19, 2006, h. 11.00, Guglielmi
Hall, Dept. of Italian Studies, Via Zamboni 32, Bologna


Carlo Mazza Galanti, University of L'Aquila
photography between memory and oblivion in the work of Georges Perec.

Barilli Nicola, University of Bologna
Consequences the reproducibility of images: DeLillo's Mao II and Sebald's Austerlitz.

Mannironi James, University of L'Aquila
Social control and unruly literature: reflections on demographics, storytelling and dystopias.

You are invited to read the discussion


Saturday, May 6, 2006

Pokemon Emerald Cheats Wont Work With Vba

Corps lost, PP Pasolini

The study group on literature and technology, bodies, machines, instruments, is pleased to invite men

FRIDAY May 12, 2006, AT 11, I
HALL, Department of Italian,
Via Zamboni 32 BOLOGNA

Corps lost
History and representation of the body in the work of PP Pasolini

In the gestures, costumes, just in the physical presence of bodies in society, Pasolini is looking for signs (traumatic ) anthropological mutation induced by the new capitalism.

* Dr. Luigi Virgolin, controller of the PP Pasolini at the Bologna Film Library, will speak on
offering a historical and critical through the final production phase of the director and writer of Pasolini.

* Dr. Raoul Melotto, a graduate student in comparative literature (University of Bologna), will present
A summary of the film theory of the author, as part of a more general definition of the second body
contemporary perspective of semiotics. * The

dott.sa Picciaiola Samanta, a PhD in Italian Studies (University of Paris IV),
identify some problematic issues around the presence of the body in Pasolini
theater and then to the foundation of a new concept of theater.

The meeting involves the screening of some clips from films and documentaries from the archives
PP Pasolini: The body

Alibech lost. "Dossier Pier Paolo Pasolini" in the nineteenth edition of "The Fountain Cinema" 2005. Reconstruction of lost
tenth episode of The Decameron (1971) by Pier Paolo Pasolini
The Walls of Sana'a, by Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1970
The shape of the city, Paul Brunatto, RAI, 1974

Information: http://colporteurs.blogspot.com colporter@gmail.com

Monday, May 1, 2006

Tokyo Gold Desert Eagle Airsoft Gun

News, upcoming meetings

Beloved, is pleased to inform you that the blog has totaled 131 hits in less than a month. It 's a small record. If those were also one hundred and thirty seminars do not know where to put them. The next meeting, the
May 12, FRIDAY ì , to h. 11:00, Room I, dip. Italian Studies, Via Zamboni 32
is entirely devoted to PP Pasolini. Interventions will be Raoul Melotto (Univ. of Bologna), Samantha Picciaiola (Univ. of Paris IV and Florence) and Luigi Virgulin, the documentation center on Pasolini present at the Cinematheque of Bologna (find more information about his work a few posts below ). We will see and hear bodies of lost (and found) of Pasolini's film and theater. Soon I will publish the flyer of the event and a short introductory text. On

Fabula was published Appel à contribution which affects the work of many of us. You can find it at

It 's a search that starts in France this year, with a project that will take several years. In the linked page you will find all the references.

Finally, we apologize for the error of flashy flyer on 20 April. It said Friday, while it is clear that 20 was Thursday. However, did not notice anyone.

If you have comments or suggestions, or just to have information, please contact us at colporter@gmail.com . We will be happy to answer.

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Guinness Irish Dog Collar

new manifesto, April 20, 2006

Friday, March 17, 2006

How Much Benzonatate To Get High

News, headlines, proposals, travel

Dear all,
we have some news. The first is that the meeting was postponed to April 20, immediately after Easter. So far
Raoul has offered to make a short speech (short I will tell you the topic, attenente the body anyway), and a graduate student in Siena, Elena Cappellini, sent me this email with your proposal for action, which seems very interesting around you at once.
A warm greeting, we feel very soon

Dear James,
I write now and cast a few ideas to avoid the risk, tomorrow, to fall into the usual laziness and pedantry that I nailed to endless and inconclusive musings.

I develop the theme of the body-machine-tools-men in the modern hospital, studying the impact of new medical technologies on the imaginary of artists and writers. If I have to think at the end of April, the title could be: Pictures of an invisible body. The X-ray imagery in the twentieth century.

to its ability to show the invisible, believe the X-ray is the only picture in which we do not recognize at all: an inner body, fragmented and deadly, before dark and unknown, now illuminated by the rays, is faced for all to see. Among the first radiograph of a left hand (1896) and the emergence of radiology as a set of beliefs and practices for medical use (about two decades later), an intermediate area between science and parascience, the new science of the interior is confused with photo, with the occult, with contemporary advances in psychology and the birth of psychoanalysis. Symptomatic of a deeper reality of appearance, radiology is not only subject of interest and technical-industrial progress, but it interacts with world views and visions of reality, transpositions and symbolic processing by artists and writers.
transposed from the first Futurist and Cubist, its ability to combine the matter and energy, and find the structures below the forms, radiology never seems to have stopped operating on the imaginary literary. I think immediately to the sanatorium and the photographs inside the Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, the X-rays and the shock of Antonin Artaud during his internment at the psychiatric hospital Rodez, until recently in the building of flesh: a real autobiography that Valentina Magrelli builds through the story of illness, small disturbances, medical surgery and suffered from childhood to today, where the sheets can be collected as in an album of pictures. Chasing the personal or fictional experience of these authors, the reason I seem to fit also in radiological more general issues of illness, hospitalization, etc..

I do not have a bibliography, these are only suggestions derived from Foucault and the course in the History of Medicine Cosmacini and by reading some authors as part of my research. I do not know if the issue could come back to your project, but if so I would be happy to accept your proposal. Let me know.
you soon, Elena

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Where Is It Legal To Own A Platypus


The first meeting-seminar-meeting of the drafting is fixed, as we all know, for Tuesday, March 7 at 15 at the Aula Forti, Via Zamboni 32.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Can You Get A Hemroid In Your Taint

Habemus given me

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What Does It Mean Ifreactive Lymphocytes Low

Raoul, Pasolini, news

Dear James
I reproduce below the mails exchanged with Louis Virgolin. I ask you please include them in the blog, so that everyone can be kept. From here I have not been able to figure out how to fully exploit the resources of the blog. What can you do ... German keyboard commands, German, German mac ... and above all ignorance Italian legislation. Thank you for computer support, see you soon

Dear Raoul Raoul,
setting that you are giving your seminar very much and I
curious, so I reiterate my support willingly.
I would say that the appointment of May is best for me, so close that we avoid the time
reserves surprises. However we keep in touch.
Hello and good job.


Research Center - Archive
Pier Paolo Pasolini
c / o
Library of the City of Bologna Cinematheque

Friday, February 10, 2006

Descente Ski Wear On Ebay

Raoul, Raoul

Dear James

I met last night at the Filmmuseum Virgolin Louis Monaco, a member of the fund PP Pasolini Bologna. I spoke briefly of our initiative, as well as interest from my / our study the appearance of the body in the universe PPP. So I asked him if any one of our meetings on the subject, if it felt to come and talk: the case of serious boy, young and cute, he obviously said yes. So count on it when the time comes, to make him come and to involve them in our discussion. You must know that for years has been involved in recovering "lost body" of the cinema of Pasolini, overseeing the restoration of films and the identification and cataloging of photographic materials collected in the Bible by Laura Betti number. Last night showed us a documentary about a lost episode of the Decameron, in poor shape (perhaps a little too small-scale), but rich in content. To introduce it, Louis has just mentioned the last Pasolini passion for documentation of bodies in danger, threatened by the expansion worldwide of a new consumption pattern: among them (and the argument seems surprisingly relevant to our seminar ) that the city and men linked to the old cultures of the people, to survive in certain parts of the world (eg. in East Africa) of architectural and urban traditions of such sacred, mystic. In short, it is reasonable to think that Pasolini was outlined in more quell'urgenza to describe and make bodies symbolically emphasize that attest to the end of a world and a set of values \u200b\u200bconsidered (humanities) thousands of years. Now unable to treat the body (human, urban, social) as part of a dialectic of rational mold and / or ideal, but also compelled by his present to see the collapse last few residues of archetypal humanity (in the rites of the people in folklore, etc..), Pasolini takes and develops his intellectual work as an aesthetic mission, the limits of mourning, that is not only a body of theorizing in danger (eg. one of the Trilogy of Life), but also a body accomplice the same ideology that threatens him (see the perpetrators and victims of Salò), and therefore rinpianto no more nor regrets. What seems significant to me in all this, is the waiver by a Marxist Pasolini as redemption of history: in him there is that sense of actuality which allows, as in Benjamin, to break with the use of images dialectic (again, studying the body and the signs of urban history) in the past, present, or so - on the same principle - to project a theologically time of redemption of the class struggle in the future. So, we are talking about a Marxist without faith, without a historical idols of history, without a Jungian archetypes. Such a position, paradoxical and apocalyptic, it is not (can not) existential or nihilistic. It occurs to me, rather, to those characters of the Bible, like Isaiah or Jeremiah, who build and use the word against the greatest power, denigrating themselves and those who would redeem them, that they are exposed, and for this they need a wilderness to be alone and to voice their complaint.
I hope to come back on this and other things, as soon as possible. See you soon


Thursday, February 9, 2006

My Bearded Dragon No Take Shit

Pasolini says:

Dear James

time you offered are very close, especially since I have to meet certain deadlines related to my research stay: I am so hard to be ready to begin already next month. The proposal to place the Meeting in the second week of each month can andarmi well, keep in mind however that those of March and April are "hors limites" for me in March and hand over to produce not know how many documents to obtain funds, bags and purses, I must also place within the end of that month an old job, now pending for too many years, on RM Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus. In April I will be 3-12 again in Germany, the archive of Marbach. The theme on which I wish to speak and discuss in the seminar, as you have been touched by my wife, would be the "body" in the universe critic, literary and cinematic PP Pasolini. To talk about it, I will illustrate the very particular way in which P. look every time to bring the sensual-sexual-physical phenomenon to an objective knowledge of mold, such as the semiological, sociological or deterministic, to which he entrusts himself with ardor and almost always surprising application (including malware, in the past, some people have spoken P. even a "neo-positivist"). The technology (and as a voice of our program here is indicative only pair I have linked to a paradigm of the human sciences of the period: structuralism in particular), fall is my intent as "controaltare" both thematically and theoretically a "body" that P. wants at all costs as enhance residual traces of a mythical past and irrecoverable, in those years, in short, in Italy where the author deals with the historic transition from a production system to a paleo-neo-capitalism. You fall in its own right collections of articles written between 1963 and 1975 (from Letters to Empiricism heretical Lutheran) and those films where the stronger the attention of P. bodies (of things, but mainly men) alienated, isolated and destroyed, according to him, by a new ideology of power (Theorem, Salo). This is what I discuss with you, text in hand, in good time, and my previous proposals (city-car and new-materials technologies) may not be available until some kind of date. A title for my contribution Pasolini still do not have it, I hope that these few indications you can take out a provisional. But "title" or not, it may still be an intervention "posthumously" for inclusion in the month of May or beyond. I know this may create problems, since the intention to start right from the "bodies". I refer, as dictated by custom, to the editor, convinced that a solution is still possible. Abrraccio you and I look forward to hearing from you


Sunday, February 5, 2006

Gay Men Getting Forced Milked

titles so far

Forgive me, I did a simple copy and paste, but I needed to figure out where we stand.

N. Barilla
"The move Expressionism to Neue Sachlichkeit: the technique of denial and apology."
S. Picciaiola:
(Men-machines): "(...) some passages in the century, relative to the dis-humanizing figures (puppets, automata, homme-cible) in the Chants de la mi-mort Alberto Savino, aka Andrea De Chirico. "
I. Tchehoff:
Critics of the technological society in the literature of the sixties
(Men, bodies, tools, machinery). I am interested in the critique of technological society in the work of Volponi, who has points in common with the thought of the Frankfurt School.
E. Brill:
1-Mapping the New World. The virtual geographies
The 2-machine civilization dada
3-Angels-machines Blade Runner.
(P. Bertetti, C. Scolari "The look of the angels around and over Blade Runner")
4-Blow-up: the mechanical eye.
(Alinovi F., C. Marra "The fotografia.Illusione or revelation?" Bologna. Il Mulino 1981)
R. Melotto:
1. the impact of the city (also understood as a body tech and auto) on letters of Jahrhundertwende;
2. some definitions of the problem - so the concept of - (see our "body machine") from the new technological materials (digital, nano, etc.).
G. Mannironi:
Represent and Punish: the technologies of social control in the literature.
(instruments - men - bodies)
S. Panazza:
(men and machines): title, albeit provisional, "Mechanical Metamorphosis: Towards an anthropology of the artificial "
analysis Focus on the moment of metamorphosis, the transition from the human realm to that technology. Anthropological aspects of metamorphosis.
Analysis of the mode of transition from animal to mechanical metamorphosis: a hypothesis on the historical and social reasons that inversone .
M. Azzano (tools-men): Project: Investigating the development of disciplines
statistics (moral or sociology) from the 700 to date in relation to their impact on the collective imagination, the idea of \u200b\u200bscience "ethics" or social doctrine of necessity, until the revolution of indeterministic 900, from casual to Balzac's phrenology 's dispute with "antistatistico" Auguste Comte, to the current misunderstanding of the relationship between art and science (and misunderstood-profile cases of scientific inspiration, Picasso, Dali, ... Pynchon).
If the interpretation of communication as a mere means of transport given by the Frankfurt has been very limited statistics (which is a constitutive element of modern social communications) as may be considered? If the computation of our habits and communication strategy is in itself, because this is not provided an adequate representation? The statistic is a gift / rite within the meaning given by Marcel Mauss in his "Essay on the gift?".

I see points of contact until from now. And you?
to Monday,


Saturday, February 4, 2006

Samsung Dvd-v9800multiregion

idea progetto_giacomo


I propose a reflection on control technologies, and in particular on the Panopticon / prison. They are forms that have been influential in the imagination. According to the chronology of Foucault's classical division between prison "old" and "modern", it is possible to detect (through literature) a technologizing surveillance. This leads to different paths. Or the company's Panopticon "inverted" (that of 1984, but the examples are hundreds), in which everyone, not just the deviant, are monitored and tracked continuously, or fear - always present - Insulation and brutality (Blindness, 1997 Escape from New York), or the subtle technique of folding / non controlled by coercive means (think Fahrenheit 451).

would also be interesting to work on "tools" are less stringent, but always intended to stabilize and normalize the individual and the masses. I think the use of population statistics, to phrenology, the techniques of IQ (which, as already reflected in an old mail, with instruments at the base of scientific knowledge applied to human purposes).

Waiting to see us on the 6th, I embrace you warmly


Thursday, February 2, 2006

Nissan Roof Rack Off Road Light

project idea project

Hello everyone!

Critics of the technological society in the literature Sixties
(Men, bodies, tools, machinery)

I'm interested in the critique of technological society in the work of Volponi, who has points in common with the thought of the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer and Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment, for A summary of Carla Fabiani see http://www.ilgiardinodeipensieri.com/storiafil/fabiani3.htm ).

technological society has produced, alongside economic development, Holocaust and the atomic bomb. According to Elsa Morante, "our bomb is the flower, which is the natural expression of our contemporary society" and the same reasoning can be found in Volponi. For Adorno and Horkheimer, the scientific process at the base of the Enlightenment itself contains a destructive element. The reason that manifests itself in the sciences is instrumental, and precisely because of his alleged 'neutrality' can also be applied to that which contradicts the morals and values \u200b\u200bgained from Enlightenment reason. A and H do not see any way out of this situation, but we find a solution Volponi "symbolic" that is to re-evaluate the other terms of our title: men and bodies (and the materiality of life in general is opposed to reason "abstract"), then see a conflict between men and machines, and even to speak of the humiliation of staff in the eighties.

Games Like Mount Blade

How provisionally I would choose this:
"The move Expressionism to Neue Sachlichkeit: the technique of denial and apology."

The milieu is over-excited in the Weimar Republic, where the lively debate between technology and culture is a bitter point of contention: one is one of the world's most powerful production apparatus, the other a population imbued with an irrepressible sense Community. It is observed that the generation of artists after World War I pass from a first moment of rejection of the "machine" as dehumanizing and destructive of social bonds, a second time to enthusiastic acceptance of "data objective "(including the box itself).

(I would like to reserve for future expansion of this theme in other areas: the oscillation between Luddites and technological triumphalism can be found in much American fiction after World War II - more often with apocalyptic veins etc ... However depends on the time and size that will take our project).

Best wishes to all, Nicola

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

White Pimples That Dont Pop On Lip

Dear all,

I try to lend a hand to James in the management of doubts and creative instincts born and raised in recent days. I am confident that he did not take.

First problem, the definition of a working method and the restriction of the research field through a proper definition of the meanings of four key words (and concepts cross). In the first instance, I can not help but ask everyone to submit their respective views on the possible dichotomies, possible limits on the morphologies of the four uncertain terms that they are, remember: people, tools, bodies, machines. Chased in order to avoid unnecessary debate between those who have access to the media through more or less rapid, and who addresses the question verbally, I would suggest to anyone who wants to send four beautiful (and short) definitions, possibly documented by bibliography (always nice and short). Napoleon's armies moved with tissue paper of no more than one line, we can make a magazine with little additional card. This will perhaps catch up alongside the resolution of epistemological uncertainty in the drafting of the first elements of the charges levied by James on January 19 for the coming week.

What matters is that the work is put at the intersection of two key terms in order to create a minimum short-circuit reference and help give a more or less dense mass in the making. To help visualization, I imagine a simple two-dimensional grid created by the same four words put on the ordinate on the abscissa. The definition of the respective research themes and meanings of key terms will give a depth to this structure. Depth varied and, when viewed from different angles, changing, which is a leap, but so effective, I think, to describe what we do. According

rock (and pragmatic corollaries): James has started a blog to help manage the increasing traffic of email. I know there are technical and ideological resistance to the use of product marketing for large companies to storage media. But I suggest to everyone to attend and to pass there, first of all their contributions. This avoids forcing James to worry every time that everyone has received the latest e-mail Tom or Dick, and you can easily trace the evolution of the discussion on a particular theme. Mean, In short, the blog as a container in which each piece of paper magically deposited is stored and easily retrievable. You must then retrieve the email invitation sent to the blog by James and follow the instructions. After registering to use the blog will be easier for the management of their email.

Third point: the limit of ten minutes for the submission of their progress to the rest of the group and, hopefully many, he asked, from my point of view, a very high professional and ethical value. The idea, as noted by James, was to use the short distance to give this a fully functional version of their work to their research, directing small presentation to the identification of possible synergies useful to others than to ourselves. This would, in short, to say a few words to those around us that, compared to the previous month, have made discoveries that may be useful or that other than by reference to a subject they know that they are dealing. Supply, absolutely free, a suggestion: I do not know what your academic experience, but I happened to observe a similar method only once. Rather far from Bologna, however. The ten minutes are also a very useful exercise in short, human damage ...

At this point the bored can retire with a clear conscience. From here on I will try to respond to the arguments of Raul and Nicola on the definition of technology on which we should leave. The distinction mentioned by Raul on January 19 and resumed on the book by Pierpaolo Antonello (Nicholas, 28 December), between techne and techneia to me is interesting but also very misleading with respect to our work. For two reasons. One, the most obvious, is that this kind of distinction is born and is resolved only within the so-called humanistic world. The mathematical and natural sciences have done instead of non-resolution of this dichotomy their strength, without theoretical proclamation - and probably without the appropriate application of critical thinking - making a continuous overlap of the two planes, a useful development of the other. Just remember, for example, the birth of experimental science as it is understood today was the experience of the verification of theoretical models (phase in which the quotient of craftsmanship is very high, the great scientists were especially great Renaissance and modern geeks) to suggest the emergence of a theory able to measure their effectiveness (theory) in order to prove their worth and move on to a further stage of conceptualization and verification of the model. Moreover, the theory of numbers has to provide an assessment of the error, both in the prediction and estimation results is that of actual measurement. It is true that only very few physicists, even among the most famous, can be called great great experimenters and theorists, but this distinction can be appreciated only within the narrow world of science, where the margins are well known and transient loads of equal weight: outside from this world they have no reason to exist and in fact few would know the distinction between Einstein and Fermi-purpose, the teoricissimi Heisenberg or Dirac and many lesser-known researchers who collaborated with ...

In this mix of technology and technology needed, however, enhanced the social and economic reasons that have led to major scientific discoveries (on which topic better not go into now) the humanistic knowledge seems not to have noticed. This seems to me, is just one aspect of that gap is still open between scientific knowledge and the humanities that continuously seeks to bridge using two different methods: the creation of a "metaphysical" progress of each discipline, operations such as Deleuze in "The fold" is trying to build castles necessary to the explanation of the unexplained technological progress starting from Leibniz or the treacherous and unilateral redefinition of the limits of scientific knowledge (or scientific knowledge), which is driven back by the edge created fictitious ad hoc based on archaic notions of knowledge itself. The problem, and here I come to talk to Raul, is that both methods, denying the possibility of confrontation and mingling between the two forms of learning, prevent the formation of a critical knowledge and informed about the world around us, so steeped in technology (and therefore technique), and the sedimentation of a common substratum of consciousness, then the ability to process it in a creative way, and then finally to provide the artistic creation elements "generative" that would allow

Read in this way, with many avant-gardes , beginning (in fact) from our future, is colossal blunders of interpretation, attempts generous and never fully resolved to seize the thread of a skein that unfolds while on your own.

I hope I did not give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem too progressive and consequential. Those "generative elements" worry me.

I sleep and go to bed.

Good night, Marco

Ghirdelli Chocolate Commercial

Samantha writes Mark wrote the first Mail_

Dear James and dear all, unfortunately

fate is against me and once again I "rate" the meeting set last week!

In short, I offer my duties against proposing "homework" tumbler in the email above. Since then a teacher, I can not help in any way from track to deliver all the obligations attached and connected to my participation, even if only the media, until now, the noble undertaking.
I come to the point: I would like to include in the dyad man-machine interface to analyze some passages, at the beginning of the century, relative to the dis-humanizing figures (puppets, automata, homme-cible) in the Chants de la mi-mort Alberto Savino, alias Andrea De Chirico. In this way I could bring water to my mill, or working on a text that I know pretty well, tracing the coordinates of a broader discussion, aimed between models and existential aesthetic avant-garde experimentation.

However, in general, setting, I share the concerns of those who raise questions of method and add that definition must be met and be theoretically shared by the group, so that those same may be "tested" by field surveys which then no longer have to ask scruples than a scattered proceed.
I mean the container, although flexible, must define a field of possible applications. But this operation does not follow logically precedes and investigations on the same field!
Otherwise the risk, to which myself and the first yield, is to return to the topic within its own field of research that had existed before and independently of the noble enterprise!
If the problem is that you have to start somewhere, but I share the doubt, radical, and that doing so will come out a framework and fascinating graziso the interests of each rather than a clear and defined (in its problematic ') area of \u200b\u200bresearch.

I refer you to the ball and wish everyone good job

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Example Of Seating List

Dear Samanta,
like all beginnings, this is all to change, revise, and so on. I liked the idea of \u200b\u200bcolporteurs for me to identify with a lot ...
begin to publish our letters under the heading "Previous", and new things will be titled as.
it begins ...

> Note reading and consultation <
I posted the mail from first to last, that is the opposite of a blog. If there are interested in a particular, on the left (under previous posts) are the call quickly.
If you post any comments, remember to sign (if you post anonymous). Now I will study a way for everyone to contribute as authors.

Digital Playground Models Blog

begin December 4, 2005


I hope you will forgive my delay in this report, a preliminary survey of things done. I'll try to be as faithful as possible to the things that until now have been exposed: the fact remains that they all have a duty to point out, for clarification, to propose.
The few conclusions and many proposals that we have arrived in recent days concerning different aspects of the issue, from the purely organizational reach topics and methods. I'll try to make a short summary.

The Organization needs to start, felt a bit 'all, was to find a common field in which face each other on their work on their interests and / or studies. To live and thrive on confrontation, needed a versatile and exciting, which had also meant to expose "public" work. So: a magazine (on the form will be discussed: online or paper or both) and a meeting (conference call it) to discuss. From the practical point of view, it seems sensible to keep a smaller group that coordinates the magazine (we will call the Soviets, or the editorial board, you name it), which is approximately The ones I'm paying now, and who takes responsibility for choosing the theme, and general route. The conference, extended (with probable fortnightly / ci will be discussed), open access and discussion.

regard to the magazine, we wanted to avoid any container in which to serve jobs of everyone, without any connection between them and the idea of \u200b\u200ba theme too narrow and / or binding (the sofa in the literature, the 'use in the favorite romance, etc..), we clip the wings critical before you begin.
E 'come out then the idea of \u200b\u200ba theme that would bring together the interests of everyone, trying to create paths (or rather, networks paths) between our interests / work, and that allowed even, possibly, a number of possible routes through the text / journal, making it much more challenging and the work on our method, and the next reading of the finished product (the Dr. . Panazza ssa correctly pointed out that this concept of theme is very close to that of the outstanding porfa. Fusillo Ed.). Such a theme makes it even more strongly the need for a direct comparison with others, and even more that the presence of the seminar: from the earliest meetings, it is quite remarkable to note that you are often facing the East, Depending on the topic "container" that you take. Another example of cross paths you have issues with the boards of the Encyclopedia Einaudi, in which a large conceptual field contains other, placed in order of closeness or distance from the center of the whole and from themselves, depending on its relevance.

I'm not good to summarize the two issues that have emerged so far, and I apologize and corrections to those who proposed them - indeed, Nicola please refer the issue as he had submitted, I do not remember very well. Below the title put the "topics" that are the ones that I remember and that are not in any way exhaustive of the subject. The collective task is indeed to propose, around these two (or more to be proposed) the largest number of connections and references to their work.

- Uomo e tecnologia. I rapporti tra società/ cultura/ tecnologia. Tratto tipico della modernità (e della post-modernità?), ma non solo, se prendiamo la téchne greca come punto di partenza. Come il processo industriale ha cambiato l'immaginario/ il modo di immaginare sé stessi, dunque anche di scrivere sé stessi.

- corpo-uomo-macchina (mi scuso per i titoli, sono evidentemente provvisori), non troppo distante dal precendente.
Come l'avvento della macchina si riflette nelle produzioni culturali. I rapporti tra corpo umano e macchina (dalla visione del corpo come una macchina perfetta a quella della biocibernetica_migliorare il corpo attraverso le macchine). Visione e significato delle macchine in Italian Futurism and its differences from the Russian or the German school. Disciplinary structures and techniques to bend the body from the prison panopticon of science fiction: the machine at the service of repression.

please send (at all) your contributions on these and other areas of confrontation. How
time, if we could see around half of the month with a theme decided, we set the start of work seminars for mid-January.
Greetings circular, and remember:
Nobody expects the English Inquisition ever.


Common Sorority Innitiations

second mail_ Raoul, December 4, 2005 December 6, 2005

Dear James Thank you for the update and answer you right away. As the hypothesis being with the meta'di this month and, if necessary, to begin with attivita'seminariale meta'di January 2006, I can not say anything but I could not / I will be able 'to be there, I could not / `I will be able to then anyway prepare something interesting and intelligent one of the two themes proposed by the editors. These strike me as valid, but I reserve the right to return to the methodology to be followed regarding this matter, which e'trasversale, open, interdisciplinary nonche'interclassista, all of which meet less PIU' my favor and I do believe that cutting of the journal avra'-or perhaps have a gia'-and post-modern. E'giusto remember that the spirit of the initiative lies la'del of the usual editorial container in which to forcibly return the powers of each. But I wonder, 'whether it is also right, in a preliminary stage, confirm what we ourselves are able to "contain" the proposed theme. Finally, I think that is an opportunity for guidance work of drafting - and not heads of federation researched - is finally an opportunity to examine some common places, some defects in humanist ideology, which is artificially preformed almost always our questions when we relate to science. To explain better I make you a quick example. Some time fa'un epistemologist German named Hübner, had tried to reduce the debate between quantum theories and theories of an array of type relativita'a mythography: in essence and pace of physical theories of science were in his ontologically equal to the formulas of the myth. In fact, both aspiring to a universal description of reality ', poiche'entrambe imply a system of explanation that is based on assumptions and theological substance. In short, theories describe but not explain, cosi'come mythography in a whole world comes to life from an egg or a chaos of that egg and knowing nothing of the chaos. Both the mathematical and physical taken as the egg is percio'non science. A couple of years later, a French epistemologist, Boudon, showed how the theories of science are based in realta'su verita'che si'indimostrabili are, but they are mathematically and cioe'all'interno a defendant horizon possibilita'di verification only of use and enjoyment of mathematics. In mathematics, the dimostrabilita'o not an assumption in turn has a policy of mathematicity ', some substantive, logical course, but never completely analytical, which puo'percio'essere described / published / organized by another gaming system of symbols. Thus the scientific theory tries to explain vertically, which does not occur in the myth, and it poiche'fondamentale 'and his continued lead sara'sempre horizontally, ie across time and culture. All this potra'sembrarti extrinsic and brainy with respect to our intentions well piu'umili editorials, but the case e'esemplare perche'dimostra hybrid as epistemology, the "sentimentalist" humanist Hübner, lacking the necessary critical distance to tackle the problem of the second method from a myth false definition of mathematics. I believe that we will face the same risk, before they give us a solid and shared what piu'possibile idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we mean by machine, technology, biotech, etc.. For my part, since now the 'official entry into the arena, I suggest maybe to submit along with the title of his speech, or in relation to the land of interest, a reference reading, consultation, it is encyclopedic, emerografico or essay, a short methodological support to understand what is spoken, in which field you want to discuss whether and in what terms they want accountability. I've seen here in Monaco, in the library of letters, that there is a magazine specializing in piu'di (cerchero'di send in the coming days the title and series), and that the lexicon of German aesthetics among its entries " technology "and" machine ". Here, I feel that this e'quello for now, given my distance (across the board) in work in progress in Bologna, to show himself to the success of our hearing - and I hope still to be affected - a publishing project. Raoul

PS: Forgive the use Paleolithic e un po´sessantottino dell´apostrofo, ma sulle tastiere tedesche non esiste la vocale accentata.

Letter To A Priest About Confirmation


"cari amici vicini e lontani, buonasera ovunque voi siate".
Mi aggiungo così alla lista dei partecipanti virtuali, dopo Giacomo e Raoul.
Innanzitutto, il formato della rivista. Credo che il formato "virtuale", o non-cartaceo, sia preferibile per tutta una serie di motivi: più accessibile, più veloce, più "leggero" rispetto a un foglio che necessiterebbe di tipografie quando non di editori, e che comporterebbe costi per la distribuzione (a meno che non lo si voglia distribuire noi, magari in p.zza Verdi, in magra concorrenza con spacciatori e venditori di bici rubate). Aggiungo but these are not an expert in publishing, and wait by dr. Azzano corrections.
Second, the magazine - no matter whether paper or electronic - is certainly not a novelty nor a cultural innovation. On the web, in libraries and bookstores are available to several hundreds (if not thousands) of magazines. To take a ridiculous example, I discovered that there are 4 or 5 journals in the world dedicated exclusively to the food "chilli", imagine the magazines "cultural" drawn up by various departments of various universities, groups of fanatical readers, the houses publishers, individual authors, etc. ... As always, the variety can be confusing and help at the same time. From this point of view, the links on the site of James are useful (especially in my mate secret is accessible at the outset, a group like ours). Another magazine issue, not present in the link, Griselda Online. Mass in four four eight feet from the "manager" of Italian in Bologna, was an immediate success, the number of hits, surprising. The idea is simple: a bundling of contributions of various types linked by a theme that changes monthly - the body, hell, aliens and so on. The vagueness of the proposed topic can accommodate items different from each other, to widen the pool of users, and to say things like: "After six months of activity, il progetto Griselda Online rivela una sorprendente ecc...
E qui mi ricollego a noi. Dai confronti che abbiamo avuto, è emersa chiaramente la volontà di evitare: 1) il "tema-raccoglitore" (nel senso "griseldiano", quindi: corpo, coprofagia ecc.) e 2) quello che si potrebbe chiamare il "tema-libero" (nel senso scolastico di libera esercitazione scritta sui propri interessi). Nella mail di Giacomo sono riassunte bene le proposte avanzate per superare questo primo gradino (che secondo me è anche il più difficile).
Credo che sia utile racContare come siamo arrivati all'abbozzo di quelle due "cornici" (che ancora non chiamerei temi). Parlando delle rispettive aree di interesse, sono risultate diversi punti di Contact: the instrumental rationality (Weber memory of) stuck in the '60s and '70s by Paul Volponi, the relationship of subordination of the unrecognized "letters" against the "science" in Italian literature (and not only) of 900, from role and the myth of the machine in the avant-garde literary primonovecentesche, the function of the technology within the repressive apparatus / coercion from 800 to today: we extracted from this variety some term-guide (see also the statement of James).
E 'it is clear that, as in Val di Susa, an initial core drilling: an attempt, that is, to probe the possilibità a "field" policy. Regard to the findings of Munich Raoul, I agree on the necessity of a preliminary (bourdieusiana) "definition of field, so as to eradicate, in embryo," yerba mala "(do you spell that?) Illiteracy Italiot scientific humanism. But I think too much, or at least premature, given the way "spontaneous" in which the themes have emerged - and especially given the provisional nature still the same - to introduce in the discussion area specialists such as history of science. What I would like also, and especially in anticipation of the seminars, is that freedom to expose themselves and fight back, maybe at other times it is somewhat compressed by the institution (and competition). I wrote
too, and I must go: I have to give a lecture in Val di Susa, on the theme: "Technology and the mountain: the drilling of the Alps in terms of actants." Greetings to all


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Raoul, magazines

Dear all

reports the titles of the two German magazines that deal with literature sub specie (m) scientiam:

Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter


and for those who always if cavasse with German, I remember that in the AGB (Ästhetische Grundbegriffe), research about the technology or can also be contiguita'tematica for rings, in a sense, each circumcentric, enlarged or restricted according to the following items:

new media / materials / Tradizione-innovazione/Urbanismo/Estetica of goods and cultural industries. To hear from you soon


Infection In The Cuticle

writes Elisa _ 7 James writes _12

dear all, I apologize

first absence in the first riunione.Dunque I tried to answer as soon as the first strain, but given my extreme slowness in reading I had to print things on the screen, read the proposals, the objections, the so-called thematic groups (I was afraid to write some nonsensical sfondone) etc etc: I know one thing very long.

First, I'd have some little doubt it had been informed, say, only through the various e-mail: I read that the theme or topic "framework" is very large (man and technology, human-body-machine), although not as generic as the body, etc. nothing. I realized then that inside the container can coinvivere a number of sensitive issues to the experience of micro-study of each ...

yes, I think just the claim to better define the terms of discourse.: Technology, machine etc. Personally, I suggest many things, but I do not know what may be relevant to the project that you thought. I think it also fair (and natural) to report a bibliographic reference, as has been said-or better-written Now that I think would be odd to think to write a whole article on the meanings of the items "technology", "machine" etc, a kind of Freud's sull'unheimliche, gutting a curious word. The rest would be trivial to think of the car for what it is today only. I do not know which of the e-mail seems to have read something on the machines Verne.quella so fantastic that it seems to me a brilliant idea (at this very night I happened to "climb" on nautilus ....) .
Other ideas, speaking in terms of its fresh and simple (unfortunately not a pure literary and a little ashamed): I can think of a whole series of issues on the machine from the cinema (the bureaucratic machine of
Brazil, the world is overcrowded of gadgets and machinery Human Blade Runner, Metropolis ...), and also the old theater (performance related to the mutual stimulation of car and actor), music (I'm writing right now, an introductory page on this artist Zazou, the French- who wrote an electronic score, while a painter who painted in
videos: yes, two neutral). In fact, now that I think, come to mind also the machinery of
Duchamp (the "spouse", with its creaking sensual! So, again, the sensual man-machine relationship.) Well, I might think of these arguments improperly in relation to publishing project. Look for this one
your clarification. I also visited the site of the Companion secret that graphic .... ! As I read, among other things, I discovered a warning with a curious resonance, in technical terms a "reason", I like to tell you (but maybe too long a speech ...): the "secret sharer" of non-conrad Another is that the "reason for travel companion, also in the Book of Tobit
and Andersen. It is a spectral figure, an angel, a messaggero.Insomma, I'm really bored.
I greet you all. Elisa

Denise Milani Toples Full

December December December 28

Dear all, I am writing to

groped to fix the next date, trying as much as possible to meet everyone's needs, and give some information.
- Unfortunately, the deck is short, so someone (alas) will probably still out. Please let me know as soon as possible (those who had not already done so) when I can fix the next meeting of the day: Saturday 17 / Sunday 18 / Monday, 19. I fear that the winning option (as I recall) will be the very last, but please tell me how you made, maybe we can save both ways. Tell me also to set "maximum" of participation. I know some (Samanta En) Bruno have awaiting them at home and can not be late.
- my small contribution, inconclusive.
About the concept of technology, I realized that the online encyclopedia (it's Sunday, I could not see anything) the more reductive (and coaches) is of course the De Agostini, which reduces it to "A collection of studies to clarify in terms of streamlining the various mathematical scientific technical processes by which raw materials are transformed into finished products: wood technology, glass , construction, textile technology, etc... " Italian ... Not for nothing that Borges had read the British have to fourteen years: its definition (of 27 words, the entire fee, is thousands) states: "the application of scientific knowledge to the Practical AIMS of human life or, as it Sometimes is phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment ... ". Finally, the Canadians Agora, which do not give a true definition but rather a Mushroom on what he wants or does not mean the end for us young people today. According to Bigelow, quoted in the "definition" of Agora, the term technology "means the technique en tant que sur la Fondei modern science, par opposition aux techniques traditionnelles, violinist celles du ou du peintre par example, here étaient home empirique".
I find myself much more in the definition of British and Bigelow. And from these two parties to share with you the thoughts I had about two books read in the last few days, completely (really?) Different from each other. One is Emily Quartermaine, a sociologist of deviance which published this year, "underground cages. Models and disciplinary strategies of resistance, And Derive and Landings 2005. "It 's a book about the change in the Italian society since the seventies to today, and the mechanism that led to the current situation. Quartermaine says, in essence, that while until the seventies of the prison disciplinary method (a scientific model of control, study, analysis and correction of prisoners and a system composed of several scientific knowledge - medicine, psychology, sociology, psychiatry - that analyze the deviant at the same time transforming it into a patient and a punishment, in an experiment and a punishment (Foucault's all, nothing new under the sun) - and, I said, until that time the system is maintained within the prison, the eighties and nineties, the system will spread like wildfire. Not only are the inmates to have similar treatment, but also toxic, the misfits, the poor. All items that are not include in the common world will be treated as sick. In short, a technological method (ie an application in the world and human behavior - in order to improve it - the application of scientific knowledge to the Practical AIMS of human life) to treat certain types of human behavior considered deviant. The second is ilbro Intelligence and injury. Against the scientific foundations of racism, "by Stephen Jay Gould, Milan NET 2005. The book is old, and especially if you take the American obsession with measurement IQ as a method to classify and judge the individual's behavior exactly. The original title is much more intriguing: The Mismeasure of Man, however I look better naked (and scientist, pinching on the method, not on principle) the emergence of scientific theories in favor of a certain superiority of a particular group (which looks case, the strain is almost always white Nordic wasp ... I wonder why?) on the other, be they women, blacks or poor. The technology to be able to answer the pivotal question of all companies: Why are superiors and inferiors? And above all, because it is right that this is so?
All this long story (actually I wanted to talk to STI 'books and I have not met anyone for two days ...) to indicate that the strong link between technology and social control (and politics). And literature? If someone just interested in the literature (as Adriana says Cavarero) Who is the speech, while the science (Cavarero means that legal, but I would extend it to control technology) is what the speech. Psychiatrists, sociologists, doctors, phrenologists look at the deviant as a number, as a thing. The deviant, when he can, takes possession of the speech was not his (literature) to reaffirm the WHO, their individuality against an internal system (which is scientifically based and therefore no doubt), their complex personality ... and so on (so long as it is a part-sociological theory). And if we were going to the nineteenth century, theories of social and control are already well assimilated by these guys as Balzac, Tolstoy, Zola, and other more famous I can not remember the name.

have been long and I beg your pardon. I had to talk about this because I want to ask if I have blundered, or if you think there might be the definition. Without discussing the fact that when we face and see how everyone else should, if the definition of technology would look for another way to become more restricted.

A collective embrace,
Nobody Expects English Inquisition


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Nicola writes

Dear fellow students, you first
around a message of Christmas greetings particularly significant: "Merry Christmas to all. Limit intake of foods high in cholesterol: remember that this day he was born not dead. "

After this pleasant pleasantries, I wanted to put into circulation a series of references to the book stolen by Pierpaolo Antonello, THE MENAGE A TROIS. SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, TECHNIQUES IN THE LITERATURE OF ITALIAN 900 (Le Monnier University).
It 's a book whose approach deserves to be taken in analysis, clearly conceived by a mind that has lived for several years in Anglo-Saxon countries: start by saying that the combination of Literature and Science, far from having taken root in Italy, is now an area governed by the 80 consolidated in America and England ... Compared to our project, is perhaps a little collateral, because in the end it comes to epistemological problems or "national culture" - the cleaver insulted Croce in Italian, which would have condemned to centuries of obscurantism idealistic and scientific ignorance .. . But perhaps it is better to speak out or in any other place.
I just wanted to mention that Antonio makes a distinction between "technical" and "technology" quite interesting: the first is understood as "art", "constructive process" which allows him to reconnect the great humanistic tradition and the Italian Renaissance (helped by Calvino), while the second - the "technology" - embodies the classic object of criticism of the usual German cacciapalle (Heidegger, Junger, then copied by Vattimo etc.). "superstructure automated" "plant" ...

Enough for now. Here some highlights:

CP Snow, The Two Cultures, Feltrinelli 1967 (during the era of automation and alienation, it seems that this book did much to discuss, before being completely forgotten)

BATTISTINI, Literature and science, "Lett ital. Contemporary, edited by G. MARIANI, M. Petrucciani, Rome 1982 (see the Italian language as were advanced in the 80s ...)

C. Bernardini, T. DE MAURO, count and recount. Dialogue on the two cultures, Laterza 2003 (This is perhaps the most interesting, because it is the most recent)

Maybe in the next few days I do a brief, very brief summary of the book then I will send (the book, I keep the summary. joke).
Greetings to all and happy holidays
