Saturday, January 21, 2006

Letter To A Priest About Confirmation


"cari amici vicini e lontani, buonasera ovunque voi siate".
Mi aggiungo così alla lista dei partecipanti virtuali, dopo Giacomo e Raoul.
Innanzitutto, il formato della rivista. Credo che il formato "virtuale", o non-cartaceo, sia preferibile per tutta una serie di motivi: più accessibile, più veloce, più "leggero" rispetto a un foglio che necessiterebbe di tipografie quando non di editori, e che comporterebbe costi per la distribuzione (a meno che non lo si voglia distribuire noi, magari in p.zza Verdi, in magra concorrenza con spacciatori e venditori di bici rubate). Aggiungo but these are not an expert in publishing, and wait by dr. Azzano corrections.
Second, the magazine - no matter whether paper or electronic - is certainly not a novelty nor a cultural innovation. On the web, in libraries and bookstores are available to several hundreds (if not thousands) of magazines. To take a ridiculous example, I discovered that there are 4 or 5 journals in the world dedicated exclusively to the food "chilli", imagine the magazines "cultural" drawn up by various departments of various universities, groups of fanatical readers, the houses publishers, individual authors, etc. ... As always, the variety can be confusing and help at the same time. From this point of view, the links on the site of James are useful (especially in my mate secret is accessible at the outset, a group like ours). Another magazine issue, not present in the link, Griselda Online. Mass in four four eight feet from the "manager" of Italian in Bologna, was an immediate success, the number of hits, surprising. The idea is simple: a bundling of contributions of various types linked by a theme that changes monthly - the body, hell, aliens and so on. The vagueness of the proposed topic can accommodate items different from each other, to widen the pool of users, and to say things like: "After six months of activity, il progetto Griselda Online rivela una sorprendente ecc...
E qui mi ricollego a noi. Dai confronti che abbiamo avuto, è emersa chiaramente la volontà di evitare: 1) il "tema-raccoglitore" (nel senso "griseldiano", quindi: corpo, coprofagia ecc.) e 2) quello che si potrebbe chiamare il "tema-libero" (nel senso scolastico di libera esercitazione scritta sui propri interessi). Nella mail di Giacomo sono riassunte bene le proposte avanzate per superare questo primo gradino (che secondo me è anche il più difficile).
Credo che sia utile racContare come siamo arrivati all'abbozzo di quelle due "cornici" (che ancora non chiamerei temi). Parlando delle rispettive aree di interesse, sono risultate diversi punti di Contact: the instrumental rationality (Weber memory of) stuck in the '60s and '70s by Paul Volponi, the relationship of subordination of the unrecognized "letters" against the "science" in Italian literature (and not only) of 900, from role and the myth of the machine in the avant-garde literary primonovecentesche, the function of the technology within the repressive apparatus / coercion from 800 to today: we extracted from this variety some term-guide (see also the statement of James).
E 'it is clear that, as in Val di Susa, an initial core drilling: an attempt, that is, to probe the possilibità a "field" policy. Regard to the findings of Munich Raoul, I agree on the necessity of a preliminary (bourdieusiana) "definition of field, so as to eradicate, in embryo," yerba mala "(do you spell that?) Illiteracy Italiot scientific humanism. But I think too much, or at least premature, given the way "spontaneous" in which the themes have emerged - and especially given the provisional nature still the same - to introduce in the discussion area specialists such as history of science. What I would like also, and especially in anticipation of the seminars, is that freedom to expose themselves and fight back, maybe at other times it is somewhat compressed by the institution (and competition). I wrote
too, and I must go: I have to give a lecture in Val di Susa, on the theme: "Technology and the mountain: the drilling of the Alps in terms of actants." Greetings to all



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