Saturday, January 21, 2006

Digital Playground Models Blog

begin December 4, 2005


I hope you will forgive my delay in this report, a preliminary survey of things done. I'll try to be as faithful as possible to the things that until now have been exposed: the fact remains that they all have a duty to point out, for clarification, to propose.
The few conclusions and many proposals that we have arrived in recent days concerning different aspects of the issue, from the purely organizational reach topics and methods. I'll try to make a short summary.

The Organization needs to start, felt a bit 'all, was to find a common field in which face each other on their work on their interests and / or studies. To live and thrive on confrontation, needed a versatile and exciting, which had also meant to expose "public" work. So: a magazine (on the form will be discussed: online or paper or both) and a meeting (conference call it) to discuss. From the practical point of view, it seems sensible to keep a smaller group that coordinates the magazine (we will call the Soviets, or the editorial board, you name it), which is approximately The ones I'm paying now, and who takes responsibility for choosing the theme, and general route. The conference, extended (with probable fortnightly / ci will be discussed), open access and discussion.

regard to the magazine, we wanted to avoid any container in which to serve jobs of everyone, without any connection between them and the idea of \u200b\u200ba theme too narrow and / or binding (the sofa in the literature, the 'use in the favorite romance, etc..), we clip the wings critical before you begin.
E 'come out then the idea of \u200b\u200ba theme that would bring together the interests of everyone, trying to create paths (or rather, networks paths) between our interests / work, and that allowed even, possibly, a number of possible routes through the text / journal, making it much more challenging and the work on our method, and the next reading of the finished product (the Dr. . Panazza ssa correctly pointed out that this concept of theme is very close to that of the outstanding porfa. Fusillo Ed.). Such a theme makes it even more strongly the need for a direct comparison with others, and even more that the presence of the seminar: from the earliest meetings, it is quite remarkable to note that you are often facing the East, Depending on the topic "container" that you take. Another example of cross paths you have issues with the boards of the Encyclopedia Einaudi, in which a large conceptual field contains other, placed in order of closeness or distance from the center of the whole and from themselves, depending on its relevance.

I'm not good to summarize the two issues that have emerged so far, and I apologize and corrections to those who proposed them - indeed, Nicola please refer the issue as he had submitted, I do not remember very well. Below the title put the "topics" that are the ones that I remember and that are not in any way exhaustive of the subject. The collective task is indeed to propose, around these two (or more to be proposed) the largest number of connections and references to their work.

- Uomo e tecnologia. I rapporti tra società/ cultura/ tecnologia. Tratto tipico della modernità (e della post-modernità?), ma non solo, se prendiamo la téchne greca come punto di partenza. Come il processo industriale ha cambiato l'immaginario/ il modo di immaginare sé stessi, dunque anche di scrivere sé stessi.

- corpo-uomo-macchina (mi scuso per i titoli, sono evidentemente provvisori), non troppo distante dal precendente.
Come l'avvento della macchina si riflette nelle produzioni culturali. I rapporti tra corpo umano e macchina (dalla visione del corpo come una macchina perfetta a quella della biocibernetica_migliorare il corpo attraverso le macchine). Visione e significato delle macchine in Italian Futurism and its differences from the Russian or the German school. Disciplinary structures and techniques to bend the body from the prison panopticon of science fiction: the machine at the service of repression.

please send (at all) your contributions on these and other areas of confrontation. How
time, if we could see around half of the month with a theme decided, we set the start of work seminars for mid-January.
Greetings circular, and remember:
Nobody expects the English Inquisition ever.



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