Saturday, January 21, 2006

Is Drinking Blueberry Juice Good For You

Nicola writes

Dear fellow students, you first
around a message of Christmas greetings particularly significant: "Merry Christmas to all. Limit intake of foods high in cholesterol: remember that this day he was born not dead. "

After this pleasant pleasantries, I wanted to put into circulation a series of references to the book stolen by Pierpaolo Antonello, THE MENAGE A TROIS. SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, TECHNIQUES IN THE LITERATURE OF ITALIAN 900 (Le Monnier University).
It 's a book whose approach deserves to be taken in analysis, clearly conceived by a mind that has lived for several years in Anglo-Saxon countries: start by saying that the combination of Literature and Science, far from having taken root in Italy, is now an area governed by the 80 consolidated in America and England ... Compared to our project, is perhaps a little collateral, because in the end it comes to epistemological problems or "national culture" - the cleaver insulted Croce in Italian, which would have condemned to centuries of obscurantism idealistic and scientific ignorance .. . But perhaps it is better to speak out or in any other place.
I just wanted to mention that Antonio makes a distinction between "technical" and "technology" quite interesting: the first is understood as "art", "constructive process" which allows him to reconnect the great humanistic tradition and the Italian Renaissance (helped by Calvino), while the second - the "technology" - embodies the classic object of criticism of the usual German cacciapalle (Heidegger, Junger, then copied by Vattimo etc.). "superstructure automated" "plant" ...

Enough for now. Here some highlights:

CP Snow, The Two Cultures, Feltrinelli 1967 (during the era of automation and alienation, it seems that this book did much to discuss, before being completely forgotten)

BATTISTINI, Literature and science, "Lett ital. Contemporary, edited by G. MARIANI, M. Petrucciani, Rome 1982 (see the Italian language as were advanced in the 80s ...)

C. Bernardini, T. DE MAURO, count and recount. Dialogue on the two cultures, Laterza 2003 (This is perhaps the most interesting, because it is the most recent)

Maybe in the next few days I do a brief, very brief summary of the book then I will send (the book, I keep the summary. joke).
Greetings to all and happy holidays



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