Sunday, February 5, 2006

Gay Men Getting Forced Milked

titles so far

Forgive me, I did a simple copy and paste, but I needed to figure out where we stand.

N. Barilla
"The move Expressionism to Neue Sachlichkeit: the technique of denial and apology."
S. Picciaiola:
(Men-machines): "(...) some passages in the century, relative to the dis-humanizing figures (puppets, automata, homme-cible) in the Chants de la mi-mort Alberto Savino, aka Andrea De Chirico. "
I. Tchehoff:
Critics of the technological society in the literature of the sixties
(Men, bodies, tools, machinery). I am interested in the critique of technological society in the work of Volponi, who has points in common with the thought of the Frankfurt School.
E. Brill:
1-Mapping the New World. The virtual geographies
The 2-machine civilization dada
3-Angels-machines Blade Runner.
(P. Bertetti, C. Scolari "The look of the angels around and over Blade Runner")
4-Blow-up: the mechanical eye.
(Alinovi F., C. Marra "The fotografia.Illusione or revelation?" Bologna. Il Mulino 1981)
R. Melotto:
1. the impact of the city (also understood as a body tech and auto) on letters of Jahrhundertwende;
2. some definitions of the problem - so the concept of - (see our "body machine") from the new technological materials (digital, nano, etc.).
G. Mannironi:
Represent and Punish: the technologies of social control in the literature.
(instruments - men - bodies)
S. Panazza:
(men and machines): title, albeit provisional, "Mechanical Metamorphosis: Towards an anthropology of the artificial "
analysis Focus on the moment of metamorphosis, the transition from the human realm to that technology. Anthropological aspects of metamorphosis.
Analysis of the mode of transition from animal to mechanical metamorphosis: a hypothesis on the historical and social reasons that inversone .
M. Azzano (tools-men): Project: Investigating the development of disciplines
statistics (moral or sociology) from the 700 to date in relation to their impact on the collective imagination, the idea of \u200b\u200bscience "ethics" or social doctrine of necessity, until the revolution of indeterministic 900, from casual to Balzac's phrenology 's dispute with "antistatistico" Auguste Comte, to the current misunderstanding of the relationship between art and science (and misunderstood-profile cases of scientific inspiration, Picasso, Dali, ... Pynchon).
If the interpretation of communication as a mere means of transport given by the Frankfurt has been very limited statistics (which is a constitutive element of modern social communications) as may be considered? If the computation of our habits and communication strategy is in itself, because this is not provided an adequate representation? The statistic is a gift / rite within the meaning given by Marcel Mauss in his "Essay on the gift?".

I see points of contact until from now. And you?
to Monday,



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