before Angela was born, I imagined having to spend several nights to read them stories before bedtime. And so, between gifts and purchases, have a shelf of bedtime stories that are the envy.
Macchi. She has their own tastes. Books of the farm with tractors, cows, geese and sheep. And above all, wants to read alone. He sits in bed, open the book and there's more to anyone, as long as you leave the book in his hand in the arms of Morpheus.
His absolute favorite, the one that led to bed for months and months, "Farm" by Tony Wolf .
Lately, however, the dominance of the "Farm" has been made challenged by a newcomer, that I bought in a fit of nostalgia for the books of my childhood. These are the books Attilio Cassinelli, purchased almost en bloc. How nice to browse and find Bob the dog, Millie the cow, the cat Pericles and all the other characters!
Among the books Cassinelli, who won the Angela and ousted the "Farm" from the podium, it "All at sea with Pericles .
And now, when before going to bed, we ask that you book the door, she answers simply: "sea ...".
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