Those who know me for years, knows that I have sweatshirts and sweaters that have their age (I mean more than two decades). Fortunately, not one that consumes ruin and soon the clothes. And in any case, I hate buying clothes I do not need, just to keep up with fashion, is the most there may be illusory.
Angela but this time he beat me, wearing a coat that has over 35 years! It belonged to his dad, who was wearing when he was one year. It 'worked entirely in white wool and lined with iron. E 'was fortunately preserved by her grandmother, and is inspired by the boxes during last fall. Perfect, like new.
And here the princess ready to go out with her elegant double-breasted coat, complete with a martingale behind. For the occasion, the dude also wanted to bring her purse with felt elephant shaped bought at a flea market a missionary.
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