Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Can You Buy Planters Cheese Curls

Relay friendship

thank Alchemilla for having handed over the Baton of friendship.
The rules of the relay are:
1) publish the logo of the relay
2) post your questions below 8
3) answer questions
4) Invite another 14 blogger

Then start ...

1 - small when asked what you wanted to do something big to say?
Your doctor or missionary. It seems that around the web there are many bloggers miss missionary ... ... Eheheh

2 - what were your favorite cartoons?
Without a doubt "The Black Tulip", where there was the "star of the Seine, a beautiful blond girl and defeat the bad guys with a sword. And Lady Oscar, even whether it was a bit 'unsettling not to know that this parish was. Georgie also disturbing and Sapphire Princess.
Among my favorites also Hello Spank the cagnolone eye care, David gnome (I've always been a real passion for gnomes), Chuck Don Beaver, Captain Harlock, which was a very cool and several of the robot and witches (Bia type the challenge of magic). Ah, the Ape Maia, even though Willy was a real blockhead. Still one of the most educational cartoons in my opinion.
Smurfs instead unbearable: I stabbed them one by one on a spit roast and facts. Or would I have made treats for the cat Birba.

3 - what were your favorite games?
Cakes made with the earth of the garden (and of course taste ...), building houses with wooden poles that were used for beans and two blankets, shelters in the woods with leaves and branches moss, to jump on the hay in the barn, collect pine cones and various stuff in the woods. I spent a really good childhood .... A childhood game, I guess. That nostalgia ...

4-What 's your birthday was the best and why?
That the age of 20, in a cabin of Bellamonte eating polenta, pork chops and cheese. Taking with him all the stuff (pots, drinks and everything, pounds and pounds) right up the path.

5-what are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
Having 5 children (they are at an altitude of 1, and since I took a little 'late I think the price does not rise by much ...), to cultivate the land (I'm working on this), do an art exhibit with my works (which have not yet seen the light), learning well to read the sky, writing a book for children, traveling to Mongolia.

6-what was your first sporting passion and do not?
I started by doing small-country skiing. But my only real passion is the mountain in all its forms.

7-what was your first musical idol?
Duran Duran and especially Europe, which even today if I feel I acted. And then some were blonde ....

8 - what was the best thing sought (and eventually received) Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?
In this case, just received, I do not remember asking. A doll named "la Campagnola. I do not remember who among the relatives had buckled this absurd name. The fact is that often, when you took out the doll, also includes the song "O campagnola beautiful, you're the princess ... .."

Well, now pass the baton (if have not already) to:
Tiz's My Mei Tai
Frances equations


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