Year after year, Christmas has less value. Mountains of panettone and pandori on display in supermarkets already in early November, insistent advertising of toys and especially perfumes (the classic gift that are husbands who arrive on Christmas Eve without having faced the problem of what would please his own wife, and then think get away with that), electric lights and decorations to go haywire the production of a nuclear power plant, Santa dangling everywhere ... All this has really fed up. It has nothing to do with Christmas. And especially with all this baillame that begins the day after the deaths, it seems that instead of a Christmas day last for two months.
Advent alas, no longer useful to anyone. Do not expect anything more. After all we are in the company of "all at once," why wait? And above all what to expect, since everything can be easily achieved with the money?
Yet it is so beautiful light week after week of Advent wreath candles, which has a beautiful meaning: a hymn to Nature the light, to be faithful and Hope.
Now that there is Angela, there is another problem. Christmas gifts. Do I have to think about it, because otherwise it will be too late. In our family we try to make ecological choices, even in purchases (those few that do). The plastic, hell, is reduced to a minimum.
But Christmas falls already and I imagine doomsday scenarios: talking dolls and plastic, electric bikes, clothes that will never be able to take advantage of, and Winx Princesses everywhere, to become portable computerini sapientini.
The problem is how to tell grandparents / uncles / friends / etc. without offending them, that these Gifts are not welcome.
Then I thought of writing a letter to the Child Jesus (here we go with him gifts) by Angela. And that Santa send me good ....
Dear Baby Jesus,
you know I'm a lucky girl and I do not miss anything.
But if you want to make me a present, I would be happy to get a game made of wood or natural materials or a nice waldorf doll or a wooden sled to go skiing with mom and dad.
Please Baby Jesus, no plastic, which when broken then you must throw everything into the bin. And forget about those games where it is already predetermined how to play and I can use my imagination ... I want to invent my own games!
If you can not find suitable games, you know I really like the books: to spend hours browse, look at the pictures, let me read the stories from his father and mother. Even the musical instruments I like and I would like to learn how to play them.
As for clothes, I have everything you need and more. Eventually you may want to account to increase my supply of cloth diapers, which are great for my delicate buttocks? Or is it bad to ask for cloth diapers Baby Jesus? In that case I would take the panties external size from 12 to 15 kg.
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too
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