Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wwe John Cena What Does The Three Fingers Mean

union ...

provincial intercomparto The contract for the public sector has been "signed". This means that you are not yet the real signature, but that the parties substantially Parties agree on the legal content.

preannunciatovi As in a previous post, what concerns us is that in the face of a ridiculous salary increase of 4.6% (just enough money to cover inflation), were successful in some schools contract in the sense a limitation of freedom of the worker against an extension of the discretion of the coordinators or heads turn. Since the signing of the contract, for instance, will they be able to decide whether a worker who needed a medical examination, may or may not do it during working hours, catching up with it for hours. In the old contract instead provided 36 hours per year available to the worker visits medical should not be retrieved. Mah!!

We believe this will open a Pandora's box by offering precisely dangerous weapon (discretion) to executives included, like wolves among the sheep, in operational areas. Only time will show whether we were right!


seems that the Prodi government has placed you in a financial footnote that would allow an exception to the 11 consecutive hours of rest that the decree of 2003 requires nr.66 exist between two successive shifts, and this only for the health sector.

Do not worry, against this disgraceful decision, the national unions confederations have already issued a letter of complaint and protest. So even some of the provincial unions agreed with this illegal action, will have to repent !!!!!
Ah! Fortunately, the government is left!!

Ave .... Mr.Boerna [+]


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