Saturday, March 27, 2010

Breaking In Vasque Sundowners


We are preparing the 2010 edition of the Adagio. The date is scheduled for 19 and 20 June.

be held this year in large part to nearby Tuscany, and because of constraints economic will take place in a simplified form, but no less captivating.

opportunity to travel the ancient trails older than 2,000 years that saw many famous people pass by here to go to Florence or Rome. Testimonials

this year are Richard Carnovalini and Gianfranco Bracci.

In the coming days more details about the event.

Via aspettimo for info and registration: or visit

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Stomach Feels Weird Is It A Flu

The last big snowfall

Saturday, March 13, 2010

After several days of heavy snowfall finally a beautiful sunny day. Even with snowshoes Alpe di Monghidoro snow. The white blanket is more than a meter. The show unique and fun. This will probably be the last snowfall, and therefore the last snowshoeing ".... we want to enjoy it all.

Short stop for breath.

At the crossroads the path between 5:06 There is still a bit 'at the top.

Tibetan Step on the bridge ... but do not see deep enough and the dog is a bit 'hesitant ... we cross it with caution.

At the top of Alpe Croce (1229 m asl) in the background and Monghidoro Loiano snowy

Gianfranco follows the trail of the hare ...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Difference Of Face And Body Wax

Mountain Snowshoe Tour Gazzaro

Spring ... or just do not want to get this snow is snowing and really incaz .... Who should run the streets. It can not anymore. We want a little 'sunshine.
to be positive and not let ourselves be influenced by the weather we look at the glass half full and rediscover the positive side of snow .....
Rather than stay in bed this morning we venture into this enchanted forest with the grace and Gianfranco Futa Monte Gazzaro ....

Beech monumental Galaverna

Who knows what to look up ... c 'is a mist that does not see anything ...

embrace the trees ... Gianfranco try to warm up a bit ...

What a pair!!

Votes cold even the signs!

From here on we got the ciapole, the snow is deeper

stop for a quick snack

Galaverna attached to trees, but also in the hair is no joke ....

I know I'm old, but I thought I had hair so white ...
should change hairdressers ....