Six or no market value? The " I do not know ... I know the man but his price ...." (B. Brecht)
Change aphorism Brechtian in its more modern form: "I do not need know a man, I just know the price! "
Yes, because all since we are born we have an invisible tag bearing our" price ", namely: our value.
The continuation of our life is then stretched to acquire or to better help us acquire a culture through ad hoc, a mindset with which we are simply trying to adjust our price on the market.
Unfortunately it is rather difficult to escape a sort of life journey "standard - approved" and therefore controllable .....
that the "system" has developed a way to control the destinies of most people or at least those classes where the discontent might make it dangerous "instances", whose members could become better future "leaders" and then: awkward rival of a ruling class that has become obsolete, incapacitated, slow, which for centuries drag his stupid offspring, looking good and to create conditions of "their" replacement?
-Why all that today should have the pedigree of quality, need to match an equivalent?
-Why could not that be: intelligent and trained men choose other men intelligent and prepared by themselves? And instead of people "rich" and unscrupulous politicians with their servants determine the conditions in which to grow their replacements?
So ........ find ways to "price" the individual:
the " salary !
is not just an equivalent activity that we carry in society. But it is an identifier of our possibilities of movement, actions and decisions within the company.
Although it may seem paradoxical, our salary is an instrument of public policy : that is to say that our possibility of a " revenge" against the system is being systematically suppressed by our "money - salary "that will not allow us to move beyond the parameters established by the ruling class above. If you make one thousand € per month, your life will grow and build around them as well as paths for in the system (both legislative recourse to capital) will be limited by economic opportunities Tue, ie, the extent of your value.
Think for example of the possibilities that would have a couple of temporary workers whose salaries added together do not exceed one thousand four hundred euros a month?
What will be their guarantees for the realization of the minimum, essential to their social revenge?
So if we put together: organization + trend towards privatization of a degrading world of work does not realize even the minimum conditions of quality of life .......... what will be the inevitable result? Have you
Ever wonder why, for example, the more developed societies that we have been destroyed had not the money? Why not let that be a quantitative criterion to determine the value of a product or a service if they were the result of a "skills " and thus a qualitative process !
We have finally entered into an accounting system! All our movements are simply the result of an accounting logic - numerical compelling.
All our actions are required on the moves of a chess book predetermined ..........( to you the next move?)
Oh! Gai Moovida I think inevitably the creation of a "Company" culturally, socially and humanly advanced, no doubt through steps such as: the creation of working conditions and social egalitarian, where education is (and must necessarily be) public and publicly guaranteed with all major public investment. " To each according to his need and from each according to his ability ....".
uncontrolled privatization brings with it, inevitably, the "quantitative criteria" and a willingness contabilizzante dangerous, insinuating itself into the minds led to believe that there are (and there may have never been) other possible worlds. It 's a virtual chess game that unfortunately is controlled by the ghosts of a class that moves through history, repeats his weak offspring ....
way, but gay Moovida Vol ......." what you are worth? ".
resent e. ...... A good salary at all!
Mr. Boerne [+]